Weaving a runner and pillows

This has been an occasional project, stalled at various points because of available time or figuring out construction. I have two areas in my house where I wanted to use the same warp. My combined living and dining room has primarily cream, brown tones, dark red, and sage green, and I wanted a runner on the table. In another room, I have a taupe couch for which I wanted to make pillows. That wall is a changeable golden yellow, depending on the light, and the curtains are sage green. I pulled together common colors, and created this warp of soft mixed fibers: cotton, rayon, linen, wool.

I wanted to weave the two slightly differently. I knew I wanted the runner to have a visible but subtle irregular log cabin on the brown borders, so I planned the warp that way, visible below. Part of the challenge of weaving multiple items on the same warp is knowing where the break is between projects. To that end, I tied an additional yarn alongside the warp on the front tie-on rod, measuring from when I started weaving, and then tied a knot on that yarn where I wanted to stop the runner, and advanced this measuring yarn with the warp. This worked for this project.

I like how the runner turned out! The table is a gate leg, with huge leaves on each side, showing a big expanse of wood without something to break up the space. This is how the table usually is, with both leaves down. The runner hangs about the same length on the other side of the table against the wall. I know runners usually extend past the edge of the table, but that would put it too close to the floor with the leaves down, and I prefer how this looks. Placemats fit easily on each side of the runner – a future weaving project. Also: handwoven napkins.

Next were the pillows. I didn’t want to put zippers in this soft handwoven fabric, which was one of the pauses in completing their construction. I also wanted to ensure they would be sturdy enough for regular use. To that end, and after doing some reading, I elected to use a black woven fusible interfacing on the back of the handwoven yardage for the pillows. I then sewed it centered onto a dark sage linen, and made an envelope style pillowcase. As you can see in the pillow in the back, it pulls open a little. I could solve this with ties, or a button and buttonhole. I will probably leave it.

I had planned to make a third smaller decorative pillow for the same room as the table runner, but the envelope took more of the warp than I anticipated. So, I have some warp left, but not enough to make another pillow of this same style. Another pause on the final completion of this warp until I figure that out – but meanwhile, I have another warp reading for the loom, a sewing project, and want to pick a beading project to complete. It’s going to be a while!

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