Sonja Peterson at Burnet Fine Art & Advisory

Recently closed at Burnet Fine Art & Advisory in Wayzata, Minnesota was Sonja Peterson: I Want to Know No More. This exhibition features new works “continuing her exploration of the role humans have in migration and evolution using her signature paper cuts.” Peterson is a local artist, and I’ve been fortunate to see her paper cuts at the Minneapolis Institute of Art and the American Swedish Institute as well. In the exhibition, she also had acrylic paintings, mixed media works, gold leaf on paper, and laser cut wood. My favorite is the paper cuts, so those are most of the pictures below. Clicking through the title of the exhibition will show all of her included works.

Navigator, detail
Trees, Snakes and Nests
Tibble’s Watch
Mauritius Blue Pigeon
Cast Aspersions
Rodrigues Solitaire, gold leaf
Empire Builder
Empire Builder, detail: Queen Isabella, telling Columbus to go forth
Empire Builder, detail: the crops of the new world and an enslaved person
Empire Builder, detail: a skyscraper, the future, on the ship
Empire Builder, detail
Empire Builder, detail: enslaved people drowning

This last piece, Empire Builder, took Peterson six months to complete. I am delighted that it was sold to the Minnesota Museum of Marine Art, in Winona, Minnesota. She had an exhibition there in May; enjoy the video of her working in their galleries.

I really appreciate being able to see Sonja Peterson’s work. It is beautiful, precise, and meaningful.


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