Category: Museums and galleries

  • Hindsight is always 20/20

    This art exhibit at the Weisman Art Museum on the campus of the University of Minnesota, was compelling and fun at the same time. R. Luke Dubois looked at the frequency of words in the State of the Union address by the previous 43 presidents, and placed them according to frequency in an eyechart; the…

  • Today at the Minneapolis Institute of the Arts

    It’s such a treat to have a great museum like MIA in my city, and free — then I can go and enjoy a few of the galleries, spending an hour, and not feel guilty or like I should spend more time. I get more out of a museum experience when I don’t spend so…

  • Afghanistan — Hidden Treasures from the National Museum

    I had the good fortune of recently being in San Francisco, and toured the Asian Art Museum shortly after this exhibit opened. Hidden Treasures highlights four archaeological sites in the northern part of Afghanistan, ranging from 2200 BCE to 200 CE. It was co-organized by the National Geographic Society and the National Gallery of Art.…

  • Let’s play the Color Game!

    Designed by Ted Naos, professor at the School of Architecture at the Catholic University of America, this is subtitled, “Discover beauty in the ever-changing world of color.” I was first introduced to this at a Split Rock Arts program that I attended, taught by David Chatt. A fellow student brought this, and we all played…

  • There’s a bakelite museum!

    It’s called, well, The Bakelite Museum, and it’s in Williton, Somerset, England. I was reading a coffee table book on Art Deco, and it mentions the museum in an appendix in the back. I think it would be great fun to visit. Their website is currently down, but this tourism website has a brief description.…