Category: Museums and galleries

  • Foot in the Door 4 visit

    So this is the view upon reaching the entrance of Minneapolis Institute of the Arts Foot in the Door 4, a show of art by Minnesota residents, all works accepted! This year totaled about 5,000 piece of art, all smaller than 12″x12″x12″. Inside this first gallery: Turning to the right, to see into the next…

  • Foot in the Door 4

    The Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program (MAEP) at the Minneapolis Institute of the Arts hosts a show every 10 years called Foot in the Door, an open exhibition for all Minnesota artists.  It is unjuried, the only requirement is that the finished work be less than 12″x12″x12″.  Today, I dropped off the vessel I display on…

  • Teresa Sullivan at the Mesa Arts Center

    I received a mailing from Teresa Sullivan notifying me of her upcoming exhibition at the Mesa Arts Center in Mesa, Arizona from January 22nd to March 14th. Entitled Station Identification, it is a solo exhibit narrating “the stories of people discovering their own special powers and abilities. From the super heroines found in comic books…

  • Another great Minneapolis Institute of the Arts visit

    Closing at MIA is a traveling exhibit from the Louvre — photography wasn’t permitted there, but I did take pictures of other exhibits to share. The first two images are from iAfrica, an interactive exhibit of African culture. You can also download an iPhone app with images from this exhibit, including a playable thumb piano!…

  • The Precious Object

    This show, in the Cargill Gallery of the Central Hennepin County Library, is on display until January 3rd.  It is presented in partnership with, an online database of Minnesota artists created by the Walker Art Center and the McKnight Foundation. “The 14 Minnesota artists in the exhibition explore issues of nature, simulation, craft, collection…