Category: Color

  • Naniboujou Lodge inspired palette

    The Naniboujou Lodge is located in northern Minnesota, on the shore of Lake Superior just north of Grand Marais — close to the Canadian border. It was built in the late 1920’s as a very exclusive private club. Memberships were sold to Babe Ruth, Jack Dempsey, and other public figures of the time. The stock…

  • A wonky crown jewel

    Here’s the result of the beaded bone bezel beads below; this is sort of a folk art rendition of a Laura McCabe design. Take irregular bone beads (18mm across), bezel and join them as instructed, and you get a 30mm beaded bead. This is too big for me to wear, so it’ll be a desk…

  • Beaded bone button beads

    Four of six beaded bone button beads done….

  • But is it art? Session 2

    Last week, I wrote about session 1, with Dr. Patricia Briggs, from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. It was about expressionism, abstractionism, the progression towards minimalism. This session, she continued to move forward in time to help us understand contemporary art. I took many more notes. Again, all mistakes below are mine. Dr.…

  • But is it art? Session 1

    Tonight, I attended the first of 3 sessions taught by Patricia Briggs, PhD, Associate Professor of Liberal Arts at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. The subtitle of the series is “Understanding contemporary art.” I have no art history background, no art education. Dr. Briggs gives an enjoyable, accessible lecture, and I learned a…