Category: Color

  • Oriental rug palette

    I went to a museum today, one that is in a beautiful mansion with carvings, etc. I took a picture of the rug, and built a palette, for my own amusement — no project planned for it.

  • “… has a quality like real semi-precious jewels…”

    A friend gave me these today, found at a garage sale. The original price tag said 29 cents. The color isn’t quite right, it should be that scary almost-pink orange of “real semi-precious jewels.” Truth in advertising, dontcha know!

  • Twin Cities Bead Bazaar Spring 2008

    Carol and I had another bead outing within a week! This never happens, so this is a real treat. We went to the Twin Cities Bead Bazaar. The door opened on my favorite vendor, I’ll end with him. But first, check out the Silly Millies — this is Layle McDill, and I’ve seen her demonstrate…

  • Beading for a Cure 2009 – color to add?

    So you can see my process, here are pictures of test beads added to the BFAC beads. I am liking the last choice the best so far (but I still want to add gold in the findings, I think). With black …..copper….gold….gilt-lined cream (click for a larger picture) It’s still saying ‘jewelry’ to me. I’m…

  • Beading for a Cure 2009 BEADS!

    The provider of the beads this year is Betcey from Beyond Beadery. I got my beads maybe 2 weeks ago, and according to the rules, had to be quiet until everyone else got theirs. Well. It’s now allowed. Here is a quick snapshot of the beads. Now, what to make with it? The rules (simplified)…