Beading for a Cure 2009 BEADS!

The provider of the beads this year is Betcey from Beyond Beadery. I got my beads maybe 2 weeks ago, and according to the rules, had to be quiet until everyone else got theirs. Well. It’s now allowed. Here is a quick snapshot of the beads.


Now, what to make with it? The rules (simplified) are that you have to use at least one of each bead, you may add one – and only one – bead, and you can add spacers, findings, and other things (like the form on which you’re embroidering the beads). There are only 2 size 11 beads, the 2 on the right. If I add any beads, it will probably be another 11.

The colors look like jewelry to me. I haven’t gotten much further than that!

2 responses to “Beading for a Cure 2009 BEADS!”

  1. Too much orange red for me. I like the bronze, and the fake turquoise but I am not fond of lined beads at all so it is going to be a quickie to make for me. I cannot spend creative energy on colors I don’t like. The worst thing are the drops that are lime and orangey red.

  2. I don’t really buy color-lined beads, mostly because I am concerned about permanence. I am pretty sure what I’m going to do, good luck to you on jumping in and just doing it. I think that’s a great strategy for projects that don’t appeal. I have to say that I’m still looking for a spot for the drops!

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