Uncommon Visions: Jewish Textile Artists

At the Tychman Shapiro Gallery at the Sabes Jewish Community Center is Uncommon Visions. The exhibit attempts to answer how artistic vision mingles with spiritual identity. The works chosen explore how artistic identities and spiritual beliefs intersect in the artists’ lives and art.

I took a sampling of photographs from the exhibit. The artwork shown below is just a few of the pieces. There was everything from installation art to pieces made for religious use.

Click on any image to see it larger; the descriptions of the pieces are excerpted from the information posted by each piece.

The last four pictures are from the hallway and area outside the gallery, an accompanying exhibit entitled Something From Nothing, both with the common theme of textiles.

Sandra Brick is leading a Handwork Artist’s Circle on Monday, June 20th at 7pm. Her beautiful tallit was my favorite piece, and the piece used in much of the promotion materials for the show. These exhibitions are on display until June 23rd.


4 responses to “Uncommon Visions: Jewish Textile Artists”

    • You’re welcome; I’m so glad I was able to go! I love your piece, I bet it feels just wonderful to wear. I like the combination of cultures/histories you included.

  1. Thank you for photographing the exhibit. It was a nice one. I hope a lot of people saw it. Dina

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