Tag: herringbone

  • Green dichroic ring

    I received three dichroic cabs as a gift when I hosted a swap many years ago. They are about 12mm square, and a full 6mm thick at the center. I gave a shot at making a ring like my blue ring, and this is the result: I made it exactly the same as the blue…

  • I wanted a blue ring

    I wear a lot of blue, but don’t have any blue rings. Today, I remedied that. The stone is an inexpensive lapis cab, 14x10mm. The opaque blue is a French size 13 bead, with s/l blue Japanese 15s and white pearl charlottes as accents. The bezel is made with stack stitch, gives a nice smooth…

  • Herringbone with Toho triangles

    I owe a 20-something male a necklace, sort of. He broke one I made for him when he was a teen, just wore it out. He asked me to fix it, and make it longer, but I no longer have one of the beads, so I made him something different instead. I was looking through…

  • BFAC 2009 complete

    Okay, I finished the necklace. I decided for a mass of herringbone ropes and strung beads, all about the same length. They sort of self-tangle; not a mess, but cross each other as in the picture below. I like the look. The length is adjustable from 24″ to 27″. The findings are brass and base…

  • BFAC 2009 – ropes ropes ropes!

    Well, I think I’m maybe done with the herringbone ropes for this project. I have, let’s see, more than 5 FEET of herringbone rope in the coil below. Oh, and for a break? I made myself a herringbone bracelet. I’m waffling on how to put these ropes together, and I’m going to have to play…