Tag: embroidery

  • Another daisy

    I think this one is really pretty, definitely substantially different than the prior ones.  It’s also bigger, at about 1″ across its face. I’m pleased at the shaping and cupping of the petals; that turned out really well.  This is a temporary mount on ivory Ultrasuede, instead of white, so the petals aren’t on tight…

  • Jo Wood at the Grand Hand

    I just saw Jo Wood’s work on display for the Minnesota Botanical show, on now through August 30th at the Grand Hand in St. Paul, MN.  I didn’t bring a camera (I haven’t asked if it’s allowed), but let me describe the seven pieces that were there. The Iris Triptych is three panels perhaps 4…

  • Daisies 1, 2, 3….

    So this earlier post is my first attempt at playing with daisies.  I like the look, but it needs to be attached to something for strength.  It makes more sense to just create the daisies on a backing, rather than a two-step process where I make the daisies and then attach them.  So! Here’s the…

  • Tambour beading

    I have only (knowingly) seen tambour beading a few times. To my untrained eye, it looks like a cross between crochet and latch hooking in execution; crochet with a hook that pierces the fabric. You crochet with the thread running on top, and beads or sequins added on the bottom. The tambour hook pierces the…

  • Native beadwork

    Beadwork in Minnesota is most often from the Anishinaabeg (Ojibwe) tribe. During my recent trip, I saw only a little beadwork. Ute (Colorado) Paiute (Utah):