Tag: bead looming

  • Looming, part 4

    Half done. And now that I’m this far, I’m almost thinking more of how I want to handle 300 warps! I am not weaving them back in, I know this for sure.

  • Looming, part 3

    Maybe 1/3 done? It’s taking me 10-15 minutes per row.

  • Looming — The process

    Okay, here’s how it works. I found a paucity of images of the process online, so if you’re curious…. First, change the shed, and made sure the warps are separated, one of each warp pair in front, and one in back. I tend to use my fingers between the warps to fix this. I have…

  • Looming, part 2

    I’m about one-quarter done with the looming….

  • Looming — Inspiration

    What’s the image that I’m doing, and how did I choose it? One of the feeds in my feed reader is Eye Level, done by the Smithsonian American Art Museum. February 29th’s post was of Hans Hoffman. Hoffman was born in Germany, came to the United States, and was an important influence in Color Field…