More bead blogs!
I’ve added more to my feed reader and this blogroll: Mecaperles Panka gyöngye art, crafts and beads (new country to the blogroll – Sasha is from Ireland!) beadman Caroline Fung
When an existing project isn’t grabbing you…
…grab another? I bought this stabilized Kingman turquoise cab this week, and I think I’ve found the beads I want to use with it.
In memory of Maurice Sendak
Maurice Sendak, award-winning children’s author, died today at 83. He is perhaps best known for Where the Wild Things Are, where Max sails in and out of a day to where the Wild Things are. Once upon a time, I was going to make a vignette of Max’s room as the walls turn to trees.…
Waxed cotton bracelet
So, beading time has been scarce, but I made this little bracelet. I’m going to make a couple more, wrapping the waxed cotton between the beads twice to see if the color will show more. It should also decrease the curve a little; this bracelet almost wants to corkscrew. I was inspired by several examples…
Josef Frank at the American Swedish Institute
“The Enduring Designs of Josef Frank” is on exhibit at the American Swedish Institute, combining textiles and furnishings designed by Josef Frank. Frank was born in Austria, and is considered a leading pioneer of Swedish Modern design, and many of Frank’s timeless textile designs and furnishings remain in production today. Frank (who was Jewish) and…