Bead blogs
More bead blogs added to my feed reader and this blogroll… Manouschas Perlerreien galiny’s blog – spectacular bead crochet, and I think she’s from Bulgaria (new country for me) Krittigyöngy
Needle felting fun!
I had the pleasure of taking an introductory needle felting class from Christy Binoniemi last night. She’s a master at portraiture needle felting, and one of her lines of work is commissioned pet portraiture. This class was for beginners, and she imparted all sorts of tips on how to blend colors, make lines, and making…
Kingman turquoise cab, step 3
I think I still like it. The cab is finished, now it’s time for the necklace part. This can be challenging, finding the right visual mass to best suit the cab. This is about 2.5″ long and 1.5″ wide. My first thought was a strung necklace, but that may seem slight with the cab. A…
Kingman turquoise cab, step 2
I haven’t had a lot of beading time lately – but I’ve had a few minutes to work on this. I think I like it. I’m just going to put an edging on it and call it done. It’ll be turquoise again, and maybe I’ll throw in some more pearls? I’m pretty sure it will…
Kingman turquoise cab, step 1
Turquoise and pearls and seed beads. Next step is adding more color.