Bracelet component
Maybe? This thing is massive, those are Japanese 8s. I’m going to have to buy more if I want to keep going.
A gratuitous red post for Valentine’s Day
This is what normal people do, right? Start cutting up radishes for a salad, and then realize that you have pretty much that exact red in a vintage red seed bead. This is a spectacular red!
Hello world!
So, when you start a new blog, sometimes there’s a dummy first post, and I have seen it titled “Hello world!” So here I am, again. Hello! This blog is just over five years old, and my life has become steadily more complicated in the last six months or so. Nothing bad, just more. My…
Christmas tease 2 – vase!
This vase is made of myrtle wood – I liked the greenish tone of the wood with these pretty red luster beads. I need to buy more transparent lusters, I’m infatuated with this bead finish right now.
Christmas tease 1 – rivolis!
I love these colors.