Beads of Whimsy
Image from the Minnesota Textile Center The Beads of Whimsy Show is a national show, juried by Stephanie Eddie, and held at the Minnesota Textile Center from March 7th through April 12th. There are whimsical beaded pieces from across the United States, Canada, and Great Britain. Carol and I went to this show today, and…
BFAC 2009 flower?
Hey, look what you can do with the drop beads! I’m not sure if this can help me….
BFAC 2009 – sample swatch
I decided on the ivory as a color to add. I haven’t always added a color (this is my fourth year), but I wanted to provide a contrasting value to the existing beads. I beaded a couple of inches of 3 different herringbone ropes, and then strung some of the beads (on whatever scrap of…
Beading for a Cure 2009 – color to add?
So you can see my process, here are pictures of test beads added to the BFAC beads. I am liking the last choice the best so far (but I still want to add gold in the findings, I think). With black …..copper….gold….gilt-lined cream (click for a larger picture) It’s still saying ‘jewelry’ to me. I’m…
Beading for a Cure 2009 BEADS!
The provider of the beads this year is Betcey from Beyond Beadery. I got my beads maybe 2 weeks ago, and according to the rules, had to be quiet until everyone else got theirs. Well. It’s now allowed. Here is a quick snapshot of the beads. Now, what to make with it? The rules (simplified)…