New blogs in the blogroll
I got lost in German blogs today, and added 6 to my feed reader and to this blog. There are some fabulous geometric beaded beads, some amazing bead crochet, and more. The following are the ones I added: Try-to-be-better (Sabine) Traumperle (Ricki) Immer Wieder Perlen (Nicki) Mariposa’s Schatzkiste Froschprinzessin (Annette) Bluepearls Perlen (Anke)
From an Amazon email, I learned that there is going to be a book on Monkeybiz, a South African project reviving beadwork by providing beads to disadvantaged women in Cape Town. They can work from home, and still look after their family and avoid transportation costs. This nonprofit organization puts profits back into the community…
Warping a Mirrix, part 2
Okay, I’m another hour and 45 minutes into it. It took me an hour and 15 minutes to wind off enough thread to complete warping it, wrap that onto a paper tube (worked great), and to finish warping it. (I made a mistake and had to go back probably 5 warps at one point.) Then…
Warping a Mirrix, part 1
I recently bought a Mirrix loom from a friend. The loom I have is the “The Little Guy,” the smallest loom designed for heddles. I can (in theory) weave a fiber or bead tapestry up to 9″ wide and 22″ long. So, I started warping it. The last heddled loom I warped, back in the…
BFAC 2009 complete
Okay, I finished the necklace. I decided for a mass of herringbone ropes and strung beads, all about the same length. They sort of self-tangle; not a mess, but cross each other as in the picture below. I like the look. The length is adjustable from 24″ to 27″. The findings are brass and base…