Looming, part 5
Now I’m 3/4 done. While discussing finishing this in an email, a friend told me that Laura Willits describes her process, including how she finishes her work! I’m happy, this will help me.
Looming, part 4
Half done. And now that I’m this far, I’m almost thinking more of how I want to handle 300 warps! I am not weaving them back in, I know this for sure.
Looming, part 3
Maybe 1/3 done? It’s taking me 10-15 minutes per row.
Looming — The process
Okay, here’s how it works. I found a paucity of images of the process online, so if you’re curious…. First, change the shed, and made sure the warps are separated, one of each warp pair in front, and one in back. I tend to use my fingers between the warps to fix this. I have…
I was interviewed…
Cyndi Lavin interviewed me for her blog, Jewelry and Beading. Read my artist profile, if you’d like. And, add her to your list of blogs to read. She writes every weekday, I think!