Joyce Scott — Thanks Mary and Chris!
Reading Mary Tafoya’s blog, she and Chris Prussing found images of some of Joyce Scott’s work online. Joyce doesn’t have a website, so this is a treat! Check out Bmoreart (Baltimore art blog) for a couple of images, and Goya Contemporary (Baltimore gallery) for FOUR pages of images. Mary interviewed Joyce for the December 2003…
More beady blogs, again!
I should count how many are in my feed reader. Or not! Here’s some more that I’ve added. Tiszi gyöngyékszerei Mili gyöngyei zazie gyöngye Zsuzska gyöngyvilág Amber Leilani
A wonky crown jewel
Here’s the result of the beaded bone bezel beads below; this is sort of a folk art rendition of a Laura McCabe design. Take irregular bone beads (18mm across), bezel and join them as instructed, and you get a 30mm beaded bead. This is too big for me to wear, so it’ll be a desk…
Beaded bone button beads
Four of six beaded bone button beads done….
Jack and Linda Fifield
I looked at a copy of American Style magazine today, and listed on the cover is “Craft Collaborators Jack and Linda Fifield.” I thought the names looked familiar, turned to the article — and yes, they should be familiar, I have her name on my links page of my website. They are both woodturners, and…