Naniboujou palette, part 2
I’ve done a little bit more. It’s going a bit slowly because of my available time and the beading itself. It takes some finessing to get the needle into the core beads. My tension should probably be looser.
Naniboujou palette
I just love these colors used in the ceiling at the Naniboujou Lodge, which I wrote about here. I decided to make a double spiral rope using these colors. I wanted to use the bright colors more as an accent, to help it not be too overwhelming and busy. Here’s my first attempt — too…
Ripit on the loom
Here’s the before: And here’s the after: It was just too rippled; it didn’t look good. I’ll have to sit down and start over. I’d like to get this footer established and the beading going, as it’s a nice project to have ready and waiting for when I want to do just a little something.…
More beaded beads
A slowly progressing project is making more right angle weave beaded beads, to eventually string into a necklace with a wonderful button as a clasp (I’d like to figure out a great embellished loop for the button). I have one orange bead to include. I’m making a bunch of these blue beads. The orange bead…
More blogs
Here’s some more I’ve added to the blogroll: Liza biZSUterie