Antique African Djenne trade beads
Meet the oldest beads I own. I have strung these Djenne beads into a 27″ triple strand necklace with Italian seed beads as spacers. Lois Scherr Dubin, in The History of Beads, writes that “all the glass beads excavated from Djenne in Mali date to the later phases of the Islamic period, c. A.D. 1000-1400.” They are…
Chair warp
I received my loom and assembled it on a Thursday in January. I had a mid-morning appointment on Friday, and the rest of the day off. I didn’t want to begin weaving before I had to leave, so I decided to try to prepare a warp. I used some heavier cotton than was pre-warped on…
SAORI One complete
This is 16.5′ of SAORI sampler, 11″ wide. I had a lot of length to try different techniques with these four yarns – and there are many more things I can try. Next up on the loom is a simple sample warp, with some fun/terrible yarn as the weft. It gives me the chance to…
Knit glass from Carol Milne
I’ve been aware for a couple of years that the Glass Art Society has a fashion show at their conferences, and have seen pictures of some really fun creations. Before their last conference, I read in a Northwest Designer Craftsmen newsletter about a project that Carol Milne was doing for the fashion show, and immediately, I…
Tin Thread necklace
I took a class today at the Weavers Guild of Minnesota with Katherine Buenger. It was one of their Try It! classes, which are mostly one session. I love Sami bracelets – I purchased one several years ago at an American Craft Council show, and enjoy wearing it – and Katherine designed this necklace using the…