Another list of blogs added
Here you go! Jean Campbell (yes, THAT Jean Campbell) Artesania Be & Bead Tündrüs Gyöngydoboza
Quilt project
A coworker at a former place of employment (a former coworker at a former place of employment?) is retiring, and for a gift, one coworker is putting together a memory quilt. She asked for photos, did photo transfers onto squares of fabric, and we are to embellish them in any fashion we’d like. I think…
The Always-On Artist
This evening, I attended this talk given by Dennis Cass, subtitled “Technology, Creativity, and the Making of Meaning in the 21st Century. David’s blog is entitled “Dennis Cass wants you to be more awesome,” purposefully an ill-defined title. Dennis is teaches creative nonfiction, has been a literary agent, and is the author of Head Case…
Scott Schuldt
Take a peek at Scott Schuldt’s website — he does beadwork and mixed media on a large scale, often bead-embroidered pieces with a political statement, or on Native Americans, or with a theme based on nature. Some of the works can be clicked on for larger images.
Sum of the Parts — Surface Design Association show
Closing at the Goldstein Museum of Design at the University of Minnesota is this Surface Design Association show. The Surface Design Association promotes textile arts in the arts and design communities. They have conferences, shows, and a journal — the Spring 2003 issue was on beaded surfaces, and it is gorgeous. This show was works…