Another list of blogs
Here’s two more, added to this blogroll and my feed reader…. Cieolo Design Beverly Ash Gilbert
World of Beads VIII – NYC
If I were in New York City June 19-21, World of Beads would be on my must-see list. It’s a juried exhibit hosted by the Bead Society of Greater New York including demonstrations, workshops, and vendors. Click on Past Exhibits at the bottom of the page to see previous years’ galleries.
Blue earrings coming soon…
This is for ONE pair or earrings. Really!
Ugly necklace voting!
Land of Odds sponsors an Ugly Necklace contest every year. “Our respected judges evaluated these creatively-designed pieces in terms of hideousness, use of materials and clasp, the number of jewelry design principles violated, and the designer’s artistic control. Extra points were awarded for artists’ use of smaller beads, because it’s much more difficult to do…
Maria Rypan and Ukrainian beadwork in Chicago
This looks good! Maria Rypan is giving a presentation on contemporary beadwork from the Ukraine at the Ukrainian National Museum in Chicago on June 2nd at 7pm. There will be examples of beadwork and bead books from four recent trips that she took to the Ukraine. This blog post has more information, and there’s a…