Daisy chain sample
I’ve been playing with daisies for a possible project. This is the first attempt worth photographing (most others didn’t make a whole daisy, let alone a chain). These sweet little things are 20 mm across at the face, about 3/4″. This string of 5 is a little over 2 1/2″ long. If I continue on…
Treasures of Toho Emerging Artist Competition
Want to see some amazing beadwork? Take a look at the winners of this competition. Scroll down the Toho page to the name of this competition and give it a click….
Saraguro beadwork
Mary Tafoya just posted about going to the Santa Fe International Folk Art Market, where she got to see oodles of Saraguro beadwork, and met some of the artists. Mary took some beautiful pictures; that would be an exhibit of beadwork to see! I’ve seen several collars in person. Linda Belote is an Anthropology professor…
Another link list
Here’s some more for this blogroll and my feed reader: Salamander House Studio (Melody Murray) The Crazy Beadworld perlenhexles-zauberwelt Thanks to Sylvia for the German links!
No Bead International (Dairy Barn) in 2010
Bead International, a biennial bead exhibit well-regarded by the bead community, will not be held in 2010. The Dairy Barn website says that if funding and increased support are received, that it may be held in the future. It’s hard to see the effect of the economy on the arts communities. One bead museum gone,…