Category: Textile weaving

  • SAORI Three

    This is the warping board that my husband made for me. Side-to-side, the measurement between the pegs is a meter. I want a really short warp for this project because of the amount of yarn I have in these colors; it should be a wearable scarf. The warp cross between the two pegs in the…

  • SAORI Two complete, the caterpillar edition

    This yarn is AWESOME. I am having so much fun seeing what patterns emerge, just weaving back and forth. There’s no planning, and most of these pattern changes are not because of a new bobbin of warp. Argyle! Solid stripes with something that makes me think of corduroy. More stripes, with an argyle interlude. Look…

  • Warping a SAORI loom

    Here’s my process pictures for my first time fully warping my SAORI loom with the “chair warp” from my last loom-related post. First, I remove the beater and flip it over, resting the legs of the beater on the harness of the loom. I undo the braids from my prepared warp, and use the warp…

  • Chair warp

    I received my loom and assembled it on a Thursday in January. I had a mid-morning appointment on Friday, and the rest of the day off. I didn’t want to begin weaving before I had to leave, so I decided to try to prepare a warp. I used some heavier cotton than was pre-warped on…

  • SAORI One complete

    This is 16.5′ of SAORI sampler, 11″ wide. I had a lot of length to try different techniques with these four yarns – and there are many more things I can try. Next up on the loom is a simple sample warp, with some fun/terrible yarn as the weft. It gives me the chance to…