Category: Sculptures

  • Holiday beading

    Corners of what I’ve done… Yes, I broke out the sequins.

  • Carpet part 2

    Okay, my strip is now about 2.5″ wide. I have used nearly 1/3 of these beads; I have about 100g of them. To use all of the same bead, I should be less than 1/4 into my stash of this color. Much less — I have another 3.5″ to go. SO. I have very, very…

  • Torso – part 2

    I put down the easier part of the project for a bit, the carpet, and worked some today on the torso. I’ve built in the beginning of arms; now to continue the shoulders, neck, and attach the completed head. I’m not 100% confident I like the scale, it may be just a touch too small…

  • Carpet part 1

    Okay, I need a carpet about 6″x6″, I believe. Maybe a tad larger. Here’s about 1.25″ of the width. This is a good traveling project, one color of beads, no pattern to track. I use one-needle right angle weave, so it ends up with a grain. If I did two-needle, the beads would be more…

  • Start of a torso

    Maybe. Here’s the first attempt; I’m hoping that this is about the waist. I’m unsure of proportions. I learned to make figures years ago, and my experience is quite limited. I know that I can build a figure starting anywhere, but the only ones I’ve made have been face, then head; waist, then building up.…