Category: Not beads

  • Nail polish pendants

    Check these out! Susan of Sweeter Lemon has a tutorial on how to make these faux dichroic pendants out of glass tiles and nail polish. I had no idea there was such a thing as shatter nail polish — this is a great idea. I followed instructions, except I used Krylon to seal the back.…

  • Second International Braiding Conference

    A conference on braids from around the world is being held August 19-25 in Manchester, England. Braids 2012 is organized by the Braid Society,  an organization that also hosts study days, workshops and visits of interest. They publish a quarterly newsletter, and an annual journal, Strands. Reading the 20-page conference program, I see enough time…

  • Time management…

    …or lack thereof! I have kept this to be a straight beading and visual arts blog, but I haven’t been posting as much lately, and I’d like to briefly explain. In a nutshell: I’m working more hours, I am at the tail-end of a home remodeling project, and my workspace is in such a shambles…

  • If you subscribe to this blog…

    …you may need to subscribe to it again. At least I did. Sorry! The feed should still work correctly with FeedBurner and through it, Networked Blogs, but if you subscribe directly, that subscription may be broken. This is a result, I believe, of the editing that I did to make my website managed by WordPress.…

  • 500 posts!

    Wow, for initially not being entirely sure I wanted to blog, I have certainly stuck with it. I first started blogging on February 10, 2008, so that’s 500 posts in about 3 years. I have found value in blogging, from documenting my work to sharing beadwork and other visual arts I’ve seen. I’ve learned WordPress…