Blackfoot bead artist Jackie Larson Bread at the C.M. Russell Museum

I remember reading in the last year or so that the Charlie Russell Museum purchased Jackie Larson Bread’s beaded war shirt. It’s a masterful piece of beadwork. It won best of division at the Cherokee Art Market in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and shortly thereafter was purchased by the C.M. Russell Museum.

I actually have been to this museum in Great Falls, Montana. The mission of the museum is to “collect, preserve, research, interpret, and educate on the art and life of Charles M. Russell; the art and life of his contemporaries; and the art of preceding and ensuing generations that depicts and focuses on the culture, life, and country of Russell’s West.​” His name is sometimes preceded by the phrase, “cowboy artist,” to give you a quick picture of his work. I remember seeing beadwork at the museum, and I am pleased that they are continuing to collect more.

On April 10th, Jackie Larson Bread Bread will be giving the lecture, “Learning, Refining and Redefining: Blackfeet Beadwork.” She will compare  images from the exhibition George Catlin’s American Buffalo exhibit, with her own beaded war shirt honoring Blackfeet Chief Curly Bear. Bread will explain her contemporary bead ideas as applied to traditional items. Following a Q&A, she will lead a tour through the clothing galleries.

Bonus: Jackie is doing a UFO workshop at the museum on June 14th. I would love to sit in on that!

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